Biography Leonard Eric
Photo lover, self-taught since my youth (it's been quite a few years...), I finally joined a photo club in Amay around 2010, where I benefited from first advice from members of the club and particularly from Benoît Mestrez.
In addition, as part of my work, I met a starred chef, Philippe Meyers also very high level in photography; I owe him a lot of advice!
Then, I perfected myself by following on the internet, for three seasons, the courses of Laurent Breillat, consolidated with the Canadian professional photographer David Duchemin.
In 2021, my gaze was intrigued by photos of Serge Ramelli professional photographer who offers another vision of photography, or how to sublimate a photo.
In 2022, I participated in a four-day internship with Michel d'Outremont animal photographers.
This "photographic pleasure" was born in January 2017 and consists of presenting you with a new photo on my profile Facebook every Sunday between 7 and 9 p.m. Join me !
The photos that I consider the most interesting will join or replace those presented on the site.
Small clarification: I'm not trying to take so-called "intellectual" photos, but photos intended to take the widest public on a walk.
In order to fully appreciate the photos, I advise you to watch them in full screen
It is strictly forbidden to use my photos in any form without my prior consent.
All photos are available for sale,contact me.